Resource Directory

We’ve gathered a list of informative website links with resource information, phone numbers and addresses where possible. If you don’t see something your looking for please contact Caring neighbors and we will add the the link to our resource guide.
Active Education

Caring Neighbors Community adds a holistic approach to health and well-being by promoting physical activity, cognitive stimulation, social interaction, emotional resilience, and lifelong learning. By embracing opportunities for active learning, we can lead fulfilling and vibrant lives.

Residents unable to drive may be eligible for transportation service. To request transportation, learn how to become a volunteer or qualify for transportation one must be a Resident of Leisureville. Please call the Caring Neighbors office at 561-556-6363 for more information.
Blood Drives

140 is the number of Palm Beach County residents that have, or will receive the Blood donated by Leisureville residents! Join our next blood drive. If you would like to donate blood simply RSVP and we’ll send you a reminder when its time to donate. Donate Blood RSVP
Medical Equipment

Items such as canes, walkers and wheelchairs are available for temporary loan to Palm Beach Leisureville Residents. Not every stubbed toe requires a doctor visit and often we have to wait but with donated equipment there’s no need to. Call to see if we have what you need.