Caring neighbors sponsors local blood drives.
Donating blood can be scheduled on our site. You will be reminded when to arrive via text or email. When you arrive at the Big Red Bus® or donor center, simply check in with a valid photo ID and fill out a private Donor Health Questionnaire (DHQ).
Before giving blood they will check your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, cholesterol, and hemoglobin level. They will also review your medical history and determine your eligibility status for donating blood based on your responses to the DHQ.
Sit back, relax, and save lives! If you are giving a whole blood donation, the procedure only takes about 10-15 minutes, followed by a brief period for rest and refreshments.
If you are interested in giving blood search our event calendar to view the next blood drive time and location or call us directly for more information. We hope to see you soon.
In assuming the Medical Equipment Director of Caring Neighbors Roberta brings new energy and imagination to the challenge of strengthening the civic spirit of Leisureville. We wish her continued success!
As a still largely seasonal-community, the rhythm of life in Leisureville varies. As such we are always in need of volunteers. Donate your time and be someones hero.
Support all of us and help our neighbors to live the best life possible!